Lamplight has a great menu for food. They split the menu between upstairs and downstairs, but each one offers a great selection of food (I’ll explain the difference in a bit). Downstairs, the menu includes full meals, like a cheddar burger and appetizers, like carne asada rolls and deviled eggs and toast. For those fans of Cove Bar, the famed lobster nachos still exist and can be ordered upstairs or downstairs. Upstairs exclusives include kobe beef sliders and egg rolls.
Other items for both areas include potato skins, crispy piggy wings and tuna poke. The meal options downstairs include salmon PLT, chicken sandwich and ratatouille. As expected with a restaurant themed to Pixar, the ratatouille is especially popular.
The menu offers one dessert option, warm fluffy donuts with dipping sauce. We tried them once and found them to be just okay. At $9.00, we recommend buying beignets in New Orleans Square instead.
Either way, you can’t go wrong wherever you sit. We personally almost always sit downstairs since we plan ahead for reservations. We hate waiting in line for a potential table. Instead, we enjoy pulling out the app and selecting a table so we don’t waste our time in line.